Wondering How The Vaccine Mandate Impacts Your Business Specifically? Get A Complementary 30 Minute Consulting Session
Can you terminate an unvaccinated employee? How can you opt out of a vaccine mandate at your place of work? These are just some of the top questions we are receiving right now from our partner businesses.

In September, President Biden announced that OSHA will issue an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) mandating that employers with 100 or more employees must require employees to either be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. Employers who do not comply with these requirements could be fined up to $14,000 per employee. The OSHA ETS will require employers to offer paid time off to employees to receive the vaccine, as well as any time necessary to recover from a reaction to the vaccine.
In response to the overwhelming uncertainty that employers are experiencing right now, we are giving 30 minute consulting sessions to help you navigate the complexity of the issue. This is information every business needs to become educated on today!
During your complementary 30 minute consulting session, you will find more clarity on the following topics and any other questions you may have:
- Vaccines as a condition of employment
- Employee privacy
- Waivers and accommodation
- Terminating an unvaccinated employee
- Sincerely held religious beliefs under Title VII
- Health coverage eligibility
- COVID-19 incentives coverage
- Increasing group medical premium for unvaccinated employees

Gain more control over your hiring and business practices.
Understand what the future may look like with mandated vaccines. Decide on the best path for your business and employees. Schedule your 30 minute consulting session today with BlueStone Advisors.
This is an exclusive offering for current business partners only and may take place virtually or in person.
“Working with BlueStone Advisors has been an incredible joy. They reduced our premium by 36%, broadened our coverage and reduced the amount of time that we spend on the insurance renewal. We consider BlueStone Advisors a trusted partner that is committed to our firm’s success.”
– Mike Millhouse, BridgePoint Technologies